Kids Dental Care

The Right Age For Braces

At Little Krishna Children’s Dental Clinic, we understand how a confident smile can transform a child's life. Braces, a powerful tool in achieving a healthy, straight smile, can sometimes lead to confusion about the right time for treatment. We are here to guide you through this decision-making process, always prioritizing your child's comfort and well-being.

Early Evaluation: A Proactive Approach
While braces often come to mind in the pre-teen years, most dentists recommend an initial consultation around age seven. This is a valuable opportunity to assess your child's jaw growth and emerging permanent teeth. During this friendly visit, our highly experienced pediatric dentist, Dr Kishor Dighe, can identify any potential issues and create a personalized roadmap for a beautiful smile.

The Ideal Age for Braces: A Growth Advantage
The age range of 10 to 14 is generally considered the prime time for braces. By this stage, most permanent teeth have erupted, and the jawbone is still malleable. This allows for gentle adjustments to tooth position and bite alignment. Treatment during this growth phase can often lead to shorter treatment times and potentially less complex procedures in the future.

Understanding Your Child's Needs
Every child develops at their own pace. Some children may be ready for braces a little earlier, while others might benefit from waiting a bit. Factors like jaw development, bite issues, and even a child's maturity level all play a role. At Little Krishna Children's Dental Clinic, we take a personalized approach, considering all these aspects to create a treatment plan that works best for your unique child.

Open Communication: Your Partner in a Healthy Smile
We understand that braces are a significant decision for both parents and children. At Little Krishna Children's Dental Clinic, we prioritize open communication. We'll answer all your questions in a clear and friendly manner, ensuring you feel confident and informed throughout the entire process.

Braces don't have to be a daunting prospect.With early evaluation, a personalized approach, and a focus on your child's comfort, we can make this journey towards a confident smile a positive one. Contact Little Krishna Children's Dental Clinic today to schedule a consultation and explore the exciting possibilities for your child's future smile.

Contact Us

+91-90048 91359
Flat no 104, A-10
Vallabh Shanti Nagar
CHS Ltd Sector-5 Mira Road,
Mira Bhayandar, Maharashtra 401107